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產品/服務: 瀏覽次數:248專業(yè)制造北京實驗室PP實驗臺生產 
型 號: GL-PST 
規(guī) 格: L*500*800mm 
品 牌: 給力裝備 
單 價: 9999.00元/米 
起訂量: 1 米 
供貨總量: 1000 米
發(fā)貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 3 天內發(fā)貨
更新日期: 2017-11-03  有效期至:長期有效
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 產品型號:  GL-PST
 產品規(guī)格:  L*500*800mm
 產品品牌:  給力裝備
GL-PST PP實驗臺技術參數

Technical parameters of PP GL-PST experimental bench
品牌: 給力裝備 Brand: Awesome equipment
品名: 實驗臺 Product Name: The experimental station
型號: GL-PST Model: GL-PST
規(guī)格尺寸 L*500*800mm Specification size: L*500*800mm
材質: PP material: PP 
板材厚度: 8mm Plate thickness: 8mm
臺面厚度: 8mm(可根據客戶需求定制) Mesa thickness: 8mm(Can be customized according to customer needs)
耐高溫: 80 High temperature: 80
耐腐蝕: 40%NaOH-- -0.37 Corrosion resistance: 40%NaOH-- -0.37
40%HNO3-- -0.55 40%HNO3-- -0.55
30%H2SO4-- -0.74 30%H2SO4-- -0.74
30%HCL-- -0.27 30%HCL-- -0.27
重量: 根據規(guī)格尺寸而定 Weight: According to the size of the specification
包裝: 纏繞膜、護腳、托盤 Packing: Winding film, protecting foot, tray
GL-PST PP實驗臺材質說明
PP GL-PST material description of the experimental bench
  1. 專業(yè)制造北京實驗室PP實驗臺:采用8mm進口瓷白色PP(聚丙烯)板材,經過同色同質焊條焊接而成,具有耐強酸、強堿與抗腐蝕的特性,降低環(huán)境污染,維護使用者的健康。
  1. PP test: the 8mm imported porcelain white PP (polypropylene) sheet, after the same color homogeneous electrode welding, resistant to strong acid and alkali and anti corrosion properties, reduce environmental pollution, protect the health of users.
  1. 柜體:柜體采用一體成型、無縫焊接技術,極大的加強了柜體的結構性,有效的降低了柜體因熱脹冷縮而引起的變形。
  1. Cabinet: cabinet with a one-piece, seamless welding technology, greatly enhances the structure, effectively reduce the deformation due to thermal expansion and contraction caused by.
  1. 臺面:可根據客戶的要求選用實芯理化板,大理石板等材質臺面。
  1. Table: according to customer's requirements, the use of solid core physical and chemical boards, Dali slate and other materials table.
  1. 門把手:耐酸堿PP材質,耐腐蝕性能好(顏色可選:湛藍,瓷白)。
  1. Door handle: acid and alkali resistant PP material, good corrosion resistance (color optional: blue, porcelain white).
  1. 門合頁:耐酸堿PP材質,耐腐蝕性能好(顏色可選:湛藍,瓷白)。
  1. door hinge: acid and alkali resistant PP material, good corrosion resistance (color optional: blue, porcelain white).
  1. 滑輪:采用PP靜音滑輪,摩擦力很小。
  1. Pulley: using PP silent pulley, the friction is very small.
  1. 調整腳:采用塑鋼模具成型,無金屬部分外漏,可依現場地面調整水平。
  1. Adjust the foot: the plastic mold, metal parts without leakage, can adjust the level of the ground scene.
  1. 可選購配件:試劑架,水槽龍頭及插座。
  1. Optional accessories: reagent rack, sink faucet and socket.
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