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您當前的位置:首頁 » 供應(yīng)產(chǎn)品 » 16路模擬量輸入模塊1756-IF16
產(chǎn)品/服務(wù): 瀏覽次數(shù):222模擬量輸入模塊 
型 號: 1756-IF8H 
規(guī) 格: 齊全 
品 牌: AB 
單 價: 1.00元/塊 
起訂量: 1 塊 
供貨總量: 2998 塊
發(fā)貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 3 天內(nèi)發(fā)貨
更新日期: 2018-10-31  有效期至:長期有效
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 產(chǎn)品型號:  1756-IF8H
 產(chǎn)品規(guī)格:  齊全
 產(chǎn)品品牌:  AB
1756 ControlLogix 模擬量 I/O 模塊 包含輸入、輸出和組合模塊 提供熱電偶和熱電阻模塊 包含模塊級別數(shù)據(jù)報警 提供工程單位整定 提供實時通道采樣 提供電子模塊匹配,可通過軟件配置 包含機械可拆卸端子塊匹配,用戶自定義 逐通道配置電壓、電流或 2 線變送器電流源流型 逐通道配置熱電阻或熱電偶

艾倫-布拉德利  Allen-Bradley(A-B)特價銷售美國RockwellA-B:1746/1747/1756/1761/1762/1764/1769/PLC-5等系列PLC、6177R系列工控機。6181P,2711P系列觸摸屏,2098驅(qū)動器,MPL,TLY.系列電機,低壓電器,800全系列的按鈕開關(guān)等。

1756-IF16 Analog Input - Current/Voltage 16 Pts (36 Pin) 
1756-IF16IH Isolated Analog Input - ControlLogix 16 Point HART 
1756-IF16IHK Isolated Analog Input - ControlLogix 16 Point HART -Conformally Coated 
1756-IF16H Analog Input - ControlLogix 16 Point HART 
1756-IF16HK Analog Input - ControlLogix 16 Point HART -Conformally Coated 
1756-IF4FXOF2F Fast Analog 4 Cur-Volt In/2 Cur-Volt Out (36 Pin) 
1756-IF6CIS Isolated Analog In-Current Sourcing 6 Pts (20 Pin) 
1756-IF6I Isolated Analog Input-Current/Voltage 6 Pts (20Pin) 
1756-IF8 Analog Input - Current/Voltage 8 Pts (36 Pin) 
1756-IF8H Analog Differential Input HART - Current/Voltage 8 Pts (36 Pin) 
1756-IF8HK Analog Differential Input HART - Current/Voltage 8 Pts (36 Pin) - Conformally Coated 
1756-IF8I Analog Input Module, 8 Isolated Points, Current, Current Sourcing and Voltage (36 Pin) 
1756-IF8IH Isolated Analog Input Module - 8-Channel HART 
1756-IF8IK Analog Input Module, 8 Isolated Points, Current, Current Sourcing and Voltage (36 Pin) - Conformally Coated 
1756-IF8K Analog Input - Current/Voltage 8 Pts (36 Pin) -Conformally Coated 
1756-IG16 0-5 VDC TTL Input (Low True) 16 Pts (20 Pin) 
1756-IH16I 90-146 VDC Isolated Input 16 Pts (36 Pin) 
1756-IH16ISOE 125 VDC Isolated Sequence of Event Input 16Pt (36 Pin) 
1756-IM16I 159-265 VAC Isolated Input 16 Pts (36 Pin) 
1756-IM16IK 159-265 VAC Isolated Input 16 Pts (36 Pin) -Conformally Coated 
1756-IN16 10-30 VAC Input 16 Pts (20 Pin) 
1756-IR6I Isolated RTD Input 6 Pts (20 Pin) 
1756-IT6I Isolated Thermocouple/Mv Input 6 Pts (20 Pin) 
1756-IT6I2 Enhanced Isolated Thermocouple/Mv Input 6Pts (20 Pin) 
1756-IV16 10-30 VDC Sourcing Input 16 Pts (20 Pin) 
1756-IV32 10-30 VDC Sourcing Input 32 Pts (36 Pin)1756 ControlLogix Specialty I/O Modules
Includes configurable flow meter modules
Provides high-speed counter modules
Offers programmable limit switch modules
1756 ControlLogix Removable Terminal Blocks (RTBs)
Provides a flexible interconnection between plant wiring and I/O modules
Includes screw-clamp or spring-clamp terminations
Not shipped with I/O modules; you must order separately
1756 HART Analog Isolated I/O Modules
Includes channel-to-channel isolation
Offers HART modem per channel for faster HART data update
Offers basic field device configuration via the Add-on Profile
Helps eliminate the need for field isolating barriers when using isolated modules
Offers 8- or 16-channel density modules
1756 Enhanced Analog I/O Modules
Offers increased accuracy, repeatability, stability, and precision
Includes isolated 8-channel and non-isolated 12- and 16-channel modules with stability over the entire temperature operating range
Does not require field calibration
Offers advanced precision using 24-bit design
Includes per channel status and fault LED annunciation
Offers SIL 1, systematic capability 2, type certified for use in a ControlLogix SIL 2 architecture
Offers an emulation mode that helps enable customers to migrate from 6-channel applications
1756 Communications Modules
Implements network-based access control for users, devices, and networks in the 1756 chassis
Offers security modules to encrypt important information shared between controllers and servers to prevent tampering
In-Cabinet (IP20) distributed I/O can be placed throughout your application and requires an enclosure. Our In-Cabinet Block I/O products provide a complete assembly of sensor and actuator interface points, and include a network adapter. Expansion blocks are available for some families. Choose from a wide range of analog, digital, and specialty I/O, as well as I/O for safety systems.

聯(lián)系人 袁經(jīng)理  手機18092171377  商務(wù)QQ260841989


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